
All writing and photos on this site are original, created by Michele Oberholtzer, a writer, activist, social worker, engineer and environmentalist living in Detroit, MI.

More writing at ModelD Media, Occupy.com, Huffington Post and Deadline Detroit

I am not a writer. I was never trained to do it. I rarely get paid for it. My work is not widely read. And yet, I am a writer because I do it: earnestly and often, as best I know how. These pieces collected on this site cover many topics, styles and experiences. No one piece is representative and it’s not terribly well organized, so go exploring and I hope you find something interesting, relatable, original. Thank you.

contact: oberdoit@gmail.com

3 Replies to “About”

  1. Hi Michele, I came upon your blog via your Left of East series. Keep up the great work, and also thanks for creating such a diverse and interesting body of work.

    1. David,
      Thanks so much for writing. I’m honored when anyone takes the time to support my work and read my stories. Feedback is always welcome.

  2. Heard you on MPR on the piece about the Tricycle Collective, remembered your name from when you lived in that smaller town north of Chelsea, and checked to see if you were the same Michelle O. You were probably in Joe or Maggie’s class (always my kids, but now adults). Anyway, what an accomplished woman you are. Life is always a struggle, but you’re doing one heck of a job of challenging its vagaries, and the entropy of culture. Your writing is very straightforward. My suspicion is you could be a very good journalist – along with the other half dozen things you seem to be good at. And, yes, backpacking does tend to remove the cobwebs. Keep walking and keep doing.

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